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Well done! Cute game with solid aesthetics and a pretty fair idle game curve to it. The open world aspect is a pretty interesting idea, I'm sure that yall have plenty of plans on how to fill it out in the future, it's a little bland as of the moment. But other than that, a great start!

Thank you Noah! Appreciate the feedback 💪


what a fun little game! I love the volcano and the day/night features! I wish I had a lot of gold just to see all the Dinos available lol 


it's so hard to stop playing q-q, you all have done a great job, gratz on Alpha!!!

Thank you! Would you pay $1 for this game? Or do you think we should release it for free? We are preparing for a Steam release and trying to get a feel for this. 


amazing game so much fun, ur dopamine will sky rocket through the roof 🤯



what have you done to me, I was just trying to check it out and it's been forty minutes


Hahaha, this is the first alpha build so things are not super balanced. We need some more ideas to make it more fun - can think of some new upgrades to add and balancing existing ones. We have an another idea of adding in dinosaurs you unlocked to the background and some other environment ideas. Designing idle/click games is really tough!